

1a. General GRE (GRE) 170 * 90% = 153 (verbal and quantitative 2011/Aug 新制每月一至兩次, NTU or 鳳新, 成績三個月後)

    The test fee is US$205
    The GRE General Test is offered in two parts.
    The Analytical Writing section (滿分6分) is administered on computer,
    while the Verbal and Quantitative sections (滿分 170) are administered as a paper-based test.
    The analytical writing section consists of two separately-timed analytical writing tasks:
    •  a 45-minute "Present Your Perspective on an Issue" task
    •  a 30-minute "Analyze an Argument" task
    You will be given a choice between two Issue topics.

1b. Subject GRE (sGRE) 70 * 90% = 63 (only 十一月 NTUST, 成績一個月後)
    The test fee is US $160
    sGRE test consists of approximately 70 multiple-choice questions (raw score 滿分 70)

2. TOFEL 120 * 90% == 110  (一個月四次)

跟翻譯有關的丟到 blog. 跟字彙有關的請老婆測試.

處裡單字, 就是
1. 單字 - 音標
2. 詞性 - 同義字
3. 字首 - 字根 - 字尾

首三月 2010/06 ~ 2010/08
1. 每天翻譯一個 thread of UVC-devel
2. 一天處裡二十至四十個單字
3. 閱讀東華文法

中三月 2010/09 ~ 2010/11
1. 每週針對一議題, 深入研究, 寫出一篇 Issue
2. 每天翻譯一篇該議題文章
3. 一天處裡二十個單字
4. 閱讀 Bedford

尾三月 2010/12 ~ 2011/02
1. 翻譯一本有助於社會的書
2. 閱讀 Harbrace

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